skincare 101: how to get your dream skin

Skincare is a 104 billion dollar industry for a reason. Clear, dewy skin is an aspect of beauty that many of us covet...and don't have. But we can try, can't we? And SUCCEED. Goals & positivity, people.  Today, with so many beauty products available, clear skin isn't so much of an 'issue' anymore. Foundation, blush, bronzer, etc can easily create the skin that we want. But it's not just a point of crafting the perfect glowing skin. Tbh, I just have fun playing around with different highlighters and bronzers. But I think waking up with clear, healthy skin that I don't feel the need to cover up is also a beautiful thing.  

Our skin is basically like a model, the wearer of sparkles and embellishments that come in the form of expertly marketed, often pricey beauty products. And as a frequent shopper of Target's relatively affordable beauty section, I can tell you that the prices are just going up and up, even as body/beauty positivity and chemical ingredient movements grow alongside the skincare industry.

An average woman spends a few hundred dollars on just a skincare routine each year. I don't know about you, but I'm a college student, and I definitely can't spend that much just to achieve healthy skin. 

So we're gonna go back to the basics of healthy & affordable skincare. Covering everything from the most seemingly obvious habits to tips + tricks on buying the right skincare products, the skincare 101 series aims to help you achieve healthy skin through a step-by-step build your skincare program. I know, I know. There's tons of beauty programs and ads and experts and social media telling us all what to do and how to do it. What makes me qualified to tell you anything? 

As a recent high school graduate & teenager, I've just experienced the stages of beauty: the idc, but wait maybe I do, peer pressure, societal standards (laughing at them, coveting them, throwing them away, etc). I never wore or owned makeup until like my upperclassmen years in high school. So I know a bit about how to function w/o makeup (even though I really wanted it) and the DIY strats that come naturally from various kitchen and bathroom cupboards. Beauty is an overwhelming industry. And I'm here to simplify it and guide you through it as you experience all the good and bad it has to offer. 

Starting from skin. See you in the next post of the series!


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