beauty standards + how to feel beautiful despite them


I want to be clear that there's nothing wrong with chasing after feeling beautiful. Yes, we should be happy and secure in how we look and feel, but feelings of depression, insecurity, and jealousy are part of human nature. This blog will hopefully help someone find their way to feeling beautiful. 

What I think is wrong with our society is how it pushes young women, in particular, to buy beauty products and makeup that covers up individuals in an attempt to reach a certain beauty standard. Makeup shouldn't be a mask that we have to wear. Although it can help us feel beautiful, I want to encourage people to try using less of it and embracing bare skin and their true selves. We should feel beautiful without using what companies and culture tells us 'makes' us beautiful. 

To start off this journey, I want to begin with my Skincare 101 series. lavender sunrise will be a collection of themes series to help guide you and teach you to a happier and more knowledgeable you. 


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